Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/112

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he said. "And if you can bring the championship to New London—well, you wait and see what happens to you!"

That was in July, and the tournament began on the sixteenth of August. There were forty-seven entries that year for the Woman's International Title—including two from Canada, one from Hawaii, and three from Great Britain, among the latter being Lady Salisbury, the famous English player and holder of the title. "Imagine!" murmured Charlotte. "Coming all the way from Canada—and Honolulu—and England—and Scotland! And here I have the boldness to think that I can beat them all."

For a little while her heart turned heavy and her feet turned cold, but a few minutes later Charlotte tossed her head so vigorously that, if she had been a queen, her crown would certainly have tumbled off. "No, sir!" she cried. "Lady Salisbury can't frighten me. All