Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/115

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have seen the tremendous winks which he secretly gave himself from time to time, you would have known that at least he wasn't unhappy.

"Didn't I tell you?" he demanded, when Charlotte won against the girl from California.

The next day there were sixteen surviving players, which made eight contesting couples. Charlotte was suffering a reaction from the excitement of the day before, and she caused Mr. Ogilvie acute suffering for the first four holes. "She's cr-r-racking! She's cr-r-racking under the strain!" he groaned to himself.

But, as you will remember, Charlotte had made it a point to practice whenever she felt under the weather, and by the time they had finished half the course Mr. Ogilvie was breathing easily again. "Eh, but she's the bonny player!" he told Mr. Phair that afternoon when Charlotte had qualified for the semi-