Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/119

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cheer greeted the result, she felt that quick, tearful pride which she had always felt at school upon seeing Mr. Chapman come into the room and begin writing on the board:


1. Charlotte Marlin2. James ——

Lady Salisbury also won her match that day.

"I thought as much," said Mr. Ogilvie in a fine, stony ecstasy. "Ye'll have to fight it out wi' her ladyship to-morrow. But now I want you to come and let the newspaper lads take your photo. 'Tis a matter I promised them faithfully if they'd let you alone on the links."

He led her to the south side of the clubhouse, where the photographers were waiting, and a moment later Mr. Phair appeared with Lady Salisbury. The two contestants stood side by side while the camera shutters clicked. Lady Salisbury was a tall, striking type of