Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/135

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said Charlotte in a voice not far from tears.

"Oh, yes, I remember now." He tried to rise, but Mr. Ogilvie had to help him.

"We must get him out o' the sun," said Mr. Ogilvie solicitously. "We must try to get him to yon tree by the side of the brook."

They went, a slowly moving procession, Mr. Graham in the middle, Charlotte on one side of him and Mr. Ogilvie on the other. Behind them followed the caddies, solemnly staring and forming one of the strangest equations in Charlotte's Third Great Sum.

"I'm so sorry!" she said again. A lump was rising on the side of Mr. Graham's head and looking at this Charlotte choked a little.

"It's all right, said Perry. "You couldn't help it, you know."

An awful feeling of guilt swept over Charlotte. And partly because she felt