Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/137

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the clubhouse, and then for the first time Charlotte began to look attentively at him.

He was a tall young man with commanding features, and although his eyes looked tired he had a somewhat peremptory manner.

"I guess it's because he's so rich," thought Charlotte. "And to think that I nearly killed him!" For the third time she felt the impulse to confess what she had done; and for the third time she repressed it. "They'd only stand around and stare and listen," she thought. "I can do it just as well some other time."

But although she saw him the next day—and the next but one—and the next after that, somehow Charlotte could never quite bring herself to the point of telling him what she had done. Meantime, whenever he saw her, Perry Graham became more and more interested in her, first because she was Char-