Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/145

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"Do you like him, Charlotte?" she suddenly asked next morning.

"Oh, I don't know." Charlotte was putting her hat on while Perry waited in his car outside. "Why?"

"Because he's very fond of you."

"What makes you think so?" asked Charlotte, blushing for all that.

"Why, you dear little goose, anybody can see it. If he wasn't, do you think he'd be taking you home to lunch?"

Charlotte said nothing; but after she had bade the Phairs good-bye, which wasn't done in a minute or in any perfunctory manner, she went out to the waiting car, still blushing, her heart still warm to Mr. and Mrs. Phair, her eyes luminous with youth and love and success.

"You do look sweet this morning," said Perry as he threw in the starting lever. It was the first time he had paid