Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/162

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driving with dignity behind his enormous mustache.

"What a great, silly thing you are," Charlotte told herself, "running away from Neil like this! Perhaps you'll never see him again—till some bold thing has gone and married him!"

"I don't care," thought Charlotte.

"Yes, you do!" she almost passionately told herself. "Else why have you been thinking about him so much lately?"

"Well, I don't care," she thought. "A girl has her pride."

"And how about his?" she asked herself. "Don't you suppose he had any pride, or any feelings, either, that afternoon when you ran away and left him there because you thought he wasn't good enough? Oh, Charlotte, Charlotte!" she sadly continued as the buggy crossed the railroad tracks. "You, who used to think yourself so smart, and set yourself such sums!"