Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/171

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"Neil!" she said in a louder voice.

But still the Little Rattler drowned it.

"Neil!" she shouted and, to make sure, she touched his arm as well.

The young physician immediately slowed the car, but although the Little Rattler somewhat abated its noise he was obliged to shout to make himself heard. "Did you speak?" he shouted.

"Yes!" shouted back Charlotte. "When I was waiting for you I saw my picture on your library desk. Why have you got it there?"

At that he suddenly stopped the engine and such a silence fell that all the world seemed to have hushed itself to listen. For as long as it might have taken you to count ten Neil looked at her, and what he saw in her eyes I cannot tell you, but when he spoke his voice trembled as Charlotte had once heard it tremble before.