Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/26

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a year before they found his will, and then it was discovered that he had left Charlotte the farm, and ten thousand dollars in the bonds of a creamery company which he had formed in the hope of restoring to the village some measure of its past prosperity. After a family council following the reading of the will, it was decided that Charlotte should continue her education by going to the Penfield High School, Penfield being the nearest town and Aunt Grace living there with a daughter of Charlotte's age, who was also going to start at the high school that same year.

"The change will do her good, poor child!" said Aunt Harriet, a stout lady with a critical eye and a deep voice.

Charlotte was out in the hall, quietly dusting a picture which Aunt Grace was going to take away with her, but her relations didn't dream that she was so close at hand.

"She's a nice child," said Uncle Ezra.