Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/54

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across her bed and cried in the pillow, as motherless girls have cried since time immemorial. Perhaps those tears were needed to clear the mists from her dreams. After awhile she calmly arose and bathed her face in cold water.

"Now!" she said, with that air of resolution which always fell upon her when she set herself a particularly difficult sum. "She's popular with some of the people, but I'm going to make everybody like me! She had her picture in the 'Penfield Journal,' but I'm going to have my picture in all the papers! She thinks she's going to marry Willis Hayland, but I'm going to marry one of the handsomest and richest young men in the whole United States!"

For a moment even Charlotte's brightly glowing spirit felt awed in the contemplation of those Three Great Sums, but only for a moment. The next second she was looking at herself in the glass with a feeling of exaltation