Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/60

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to do something to make myself famous. So that's really the next sum," and she wrote:

"Two—How can I make myself famous?"

The next proposition needed no reflection at all, and down it went straightway:

"Three—How can I marry a millionaire?"

"I'll start on the first," she said, "because that's the easiest." And, hurriedly turning back to the first page, she repeated to herself over and over again: "How can I make everybody like me? How can I make everybody like me?"

A wide, deep question, this, when you think it over; and one, no doubt, that has puzzled many thousand minds, from queens' to quacks', since popularity had prizes to bestow. Wherefore it isn't surprising that Charlotte found it a hard nut for her little teeth; and it seemed to