Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/75

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simple," said Aunt Hepzibah. "Billy Bates. You remember him?"

"Yes," nodded Charlotte, frowning at what Margaret had said.

"The old folks haven't changed much—those that are left," continued her aunt. "A little crabbeder, you'll find 'em, and a little poorer. But that's Marlin Mills all over."

"I'm going for a walk this afternoon," said Charlotte, "and I'll make a few calls. If they were all like you, Aunt Hepzy, what a lovely time I'd have!" And she gave her aunt such a young-bear's hug that both of them felt their hearts grow warm, and they stood there for a moment, embracing, as those who love have embraced each other since time immemorial.

"Yes," thought Charlotte as she dressed to go out. "And if I had come home cross and cranky I'd soon be making Aunt Hepzibah cross and cranky, too. Which goes to show——" She