Page:George Weston--The apple-tree girl.djvu/90

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There she sat down and opened the two papers which she had been carrying under her arm. In each was the half-tone picture of a happy if somewhat disheveled young woman, and both pictures bore the caption: "Miss Agnes Hereford. International Woman Golf Champion."

"Of course, I don't know the first thing about golf now," mused Charlotte breathlessly, "except what I've read in the papers. But once upon a time Miss Hereford didn't know the first thing about it, either, and didn't she win the championship? And now I know that a girl can practice by herself. And now I know that a great big farm like this is the very best place to practice, too. So all I've got to do is to practice—and practice—and practice—morning, noon, and night—more than any girl in the world ever practiced before. And then——" A thrill ran over her as she continued in awe-