Page:Georges Eekhoud - Escal Vigor, a novel.djvu/194

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ever. He took good care not to relate in detail what had taken place between the minister of God and himself, but confined himself to declaring that he was going to undertake a long pilgrimage to expiate a deadly sin. That very night he would start when all were asleep, so as not to meet indiscreet or inquisitive persons. As a last favour he begged Stephen to accompany him a certain distance from their cottage. Wanna wished to detain her betrothed, but Stephen took pity on his friend, and in presence of a separation perhaps eternal, he remembered their long and unclouded love of days gone by.

"Brother, what is the fault so serious that causes thee to part?" inquired Stephen several times, as he walked along with his faithful companion. But the other was silent, simply giving him a long look and shaking his head.

"For a long time they walked on, sore at heart, without exchanging a word, but when they reached the crossroads where they were to embrace for the last time, Gerard turned round and showed Stephen a red light on the horizon, in the direction from which they had come.

"Then with a wild laugh, he said: "Look