Page:Georges Eekhoud - Escal Vigor, a novel.djvu/214

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She uttered a cry of horror. The fond mistress and the Christian in her were equally shocked.

"Oh, Henry, for pity's sake; thou'rt not telling the truth; thou could'st not so degrade thyself.

"Degrade myself! On the contrary, I am proud of it!"

There were scenes more and more violent between them. Blandine yielded, submitted, divided between horror and infinite compassion, which, when united, form one of the most corrosive forms of love.

Guidon now slept at the château. Blandine avoided him, but she showed herself at times to Kehlmark, and such was the expression of her face that at sight of her the Count broke out into reproaches.

"Take care, Blandine," he said to her on another occasion, "you are playing a dangerous game. Without loving you in the way of love, I have devoted to you a sort of worship based on profound gratitude. I revered you as I have never revered any woman save my grandmother.

"But in the end I shall execrate you. By placing yourself always as an obstacle in the path of my desires, you will become as