Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/254

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In her hair and in the lace at her breast, she wore his flowers. How pretty she was; how dear! Georgie nodded and drew in.

"I can't tell her," he said miserably, "and I can't be a damned coward either. She said we weren't to have any secrets from each other. I'll tell her while we're dancing. No. I'm hanged if I'll put the thing off."

He tore a sheet of paper out of his pocket book and scrawled a few hasty lines.

I can't speak to you till I've told you something. I broke my promise to you and backed Peterkin. He won by two lengths, but I sha'n't have a happy moment till I hear you've forgiven me. I know I was a mean hound to forget, and it's worrying me to death.

Yours always,

He put it into an envelop, and asked a maid he met in the passage to give it to Diana at once.