Page:Georgie by Dorothea Deakin, 1906.djvu/58

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books and things to read! When we were in town she made me take her to the National Gallery to see pictures. Pictures! Me! Just think of it. I don't mind looking at a picture with a story in it if there aren't too many of them, but when it comes to a lot of frowsy old Italian and Dutch saints, with wooden babies and cardboard halos! Oh, my hat!"

I laughed.

"Georgie," said I, "your education has been neglected. A course of Anne—"

He interrupted me with an unexpected laugh.

"I put her off pictures. I told her I didn't think a parson's daughter ought to spend her time worshipping saints. I said it wasn't consistent—graven images, and all that kind of thing, don't you know? I said if she went on I shouldn't with a clear conscience be able to take her to church any more. So either way I shall get out of one duty."

"What did Anne say to that?" I asked, much amused.