Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Hooper.djvu/103

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Of Depravity Conquered by Mildness.

worthy to be called thy son. Yet forgive me, dearest father, and once again restore me to thy forfeited love. From henceforth I will be indeed thy son, and in all things execute thy pleasure." When the overjoyed parent heard this, he fell upon his neck, and kissed him. "Oh, my beloved son, be faithful and affectionate, and thou shalt find a fond and indulgent father." He then clothed him in gorgeous apparel, and brought him to the banqueting-chamber, where he was sumptuously feasted with all the nobles of his empire. The emperor lived a short time after this, and finished his career in peace.


My beloved, the emperor is our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He who seeks the life of hir father is any bad Christian who is made a legitimate child of God, by the virtues of baptism. The mother of the boy is the holy Church, through which our baptismal vows are received; and through which also the perverse sinner, removed from God by manifold offences, seeks the death of Christ, who is Himself the father, as appears from Deut. xxxii.: "Is He not thy father," &c. Therefore the Christian attempts to destroy Christ, as often as he departs from the law of God. Again, Christ leads us into the desert of this world, and there, not only offers His breast to the drawn sword—but has actually died for our sins. Wherefore, remembering His love, and the sources of our own security, we ought to resist sin, and serve Him faithfully. The father delivered to his son the instrument of death: so God gives to you a sword—that is, free will, either to receive His grace and love, or to reject them. Do thou therefore act as the son did: cast from thee the sword of iniquity and malice.