Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Hooper.djvu/99

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Of False Allegations.



When the Emperor Leo reigned, his chief pleasure consisted in seeing beautiful women. Wherefore he caused three images to be made, to which he dedicated a stately temple, and commanded all his subjects to worship them. The first image stretched out its hand over the people, and upon one of its fingers was placed a golden ring bearing the following device: "My finger is generous; behold this ring." The second image had a golden beard, and on its brow was written, "I have a beard: if any one he beardless, let him come to me, and I will give him one." The third image had a golden cloak and purple tunic, and on its breast appeared these words, in large golden characters, "I fear no one." These three images were fabricated of stone. Now, when they had been erected according to the command of the emperor, he ordained that whosoever conveyed away either the ring, or golden beard, or cloak, should be doomed to the most disgraceful death. It so chanced that a certain fellow entering the temple, perceived the ring upon the finger of the first image, which he immediately drew off. He then went to the second, and took away the golden beard. Last of all, he came to the third image, and when he had removed the cloak he departed from the temple. The people, seeing their images despoiled, presently communicated the robbery to the emperor. The transgressor was summoned before him, and charged with pufering from the images, contrary to the edict. But he replied, "My Lord, suffer me to speak. When I entered the temple, the first image extended towards me its finger with the golden ring—as if it had said, 'Here, take the ring.' Yet, not merely because the finger was held forth to me, would I have received it; but, by and by, I read the superscription, which said, 'My finger is generous—take the ring.' At once I understood that it was the statue's pleasure to bestow it upon me, and therefore I took it. Afterwards, I approached the second image with the golden beard;