Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 1.djvu/214

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when the repentant sinner stands awe-struck before him, falls upon his neck, kisses him, and comforts him with many words. As it is written—"He shall kiss me with the kiss of his lip." The splendid vesture is put upon him, when, as a true penitent, he entertains the love of Christ. The ring on his finger denotes the seal of Christ's similitude, manifested in good works. He, therefore, bears the ring, whose actions resemble our Lord's "labours of love." The shoes on the feet are the living examples of departed saints. For as shoes defend the feet, so do the examples of holy men secure the soul. The fatted calf is Christ, sacrificed for our sakes upon the altar of the cross; and fatted, because filled with the Holy Ghost. Let then the city of thy heart, waving over its battlements the standard of our blessed Lord, prove that it is defended by his best and bravest soldiers. It is said, that "if we love God, all things may be forgiven"—that is, if we are penitent, our errors will be done away. If we carry along with us the favour and fear of God, we shall obtain everlasting life; to which, of His infinite mercy, may he lead us.