Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 1.djvu/237

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son; not indeed by himself, but by those who are the members of his Church; for so says the Apostle to the Hebrews. "Whosoever lives in any mortal sin is cast into the prison of the devil;" but our Father wills that we labour for his redemption.—Luke 12. "Let the dead bury their dead," said our blessed Lord; "but go thou, and declare the kingdom of God,"—and this is to redeem Christ. For whosoever powerfully preaches the word of God, advantages his brother, and in him redeems Christ.—Matt. 20. "That which you have done to the least of these my followers, ye have also done unto me." But the mother, that is, the world, will not permit a man to follow Christ into exile and poverty, but detains him with diverse arguments. "I cannot," she says, "endure a life of abstinence and privation which I must necessarily submit to, if you repent and turn after Christ." Thus it is with whatsoever she proposes to man's acceptance: but do not comply with her wishes. She is blind indeed, for she exclaims, "Let us enjoy the good things of life, and speedily use the creature like as in youth;" but, my beloved, if you