a large increase of fertility, so the clemency of a king lifts him above the stars."
The Latin original is as follows: "Sicut ros herbam irrigat ut crescat; sic dulcis clementia regis usque ad sydera provehit et exaltat," which coincides remarkably with a passage in the "Merchant of Venice."
"The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven,
Upon the place beneath."—Act III. Sc. 1.
Note 48.Page 166.
"As Quidius has observed."
"Who Quidius was I am unable to say. The sentiment here referred to is Ovid's—
Quàm necis artifices arte perire suâ."
De arte Amandi.
But it is very probable that we should read Ovidius for Quidius above.