Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/141

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two beautiful and virtuous maids, who were likewise skilled in music, if any such were to be found in his kingdom. At last, his emissaries discovered two who were honest and fair enough, and causing them to be stripped, one of them was required to carry a basin, and the other a sword. They entered the forest, and began to sing; and the elephant, attracted by the sound, soon approached. In the mean time, the virgins continued their song, till the elephant fondled them, and by and by, fell asleep in the lap of one of the maids. The other, perceiving this, cut off his head with the sword she had carried, while her companion filled the bowl with blood. Thus they returned to the king; and when he heard of their success, he rejoiced exceedingly, and ordered a very beautiful purple, and many other curious matters, to be made of the blood. (25)


My beloved, the emperor is our heavenly Father; the elephant is Christ; and the two