Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/181

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not; we are one body, and your advantage is mine. In like manner, your injury must deeply affect me." "Well, then," said he, "know that my bowels being oppressed to an extraordinary degree, I fell very sick. My dear wife, what will you think? I actually voided a huge black crow, which instantly took wing, and left me in the greatest trepidation and confusion of mind[1]." "Is it possible?" asked the innocent lady, "but, husband, why should this trouble you? You ought rather to rejoice that you are freed from such a pestilent tenant." Here the conversation closed: in the morning, the wife, whose thoughts had been running upon the black crow, got up rather quicker than usual, and hurried off to the house of a neighbour. "My best friend," said she, "may I tell you a secret?" "As safely as to your own soul," answered the fair auditor. "Why," replied the other, "a marvellous thing has happened to my poor husband. Being last night ex-

  1. I could not render this literally: the curious reader may therefore interpret for himself. "Cum ad privata accessissem ut opus naturæ facerem, corvus nigerrimus a parte posteriori evolabat."