Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/206

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turned it when the exigence had ceased. A thief would not have acted in this manner; he would have kept the arms, which I did not; and therefore merit rather recompence than charges of such a nature. Besides, if a house be on fire in the midst of a city, would it not be better that a single dwelling should be ruined than that the whole city should be burnt to the ground? Apply this in my case. Was it not more beneficial that I should preserve your town by borrowing the armour, than by not borrowing, endanger all your lives?" "Away with him, away with him," shouted they, who were jealous and envious of his fame, "he deserves death; away with him." The judge could not resist their urgent petition, and condemned him to death. The sentence was accordingly executed, and the whole state lamented him with unfeigned regret.


My beloved, the besieged city is the world, The knight without arms is Christ; the ar-