Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/245

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path of duty; until at length, violence accomplished what persuasion had in vain struggled to effect. Thus situated, she gave a loose to her tears, and wept in an agony of the bitterest sorrow. At this moment, her nurse entered, and asked the occasion of her uneasiness; she replied, "Alas, my beloved nurse, two noble names have just perished." "Dear lady," returned the other, "why do you say so?" She told her: "And what accursed demon has been busy?" asked the nurse. "Where," replied the lady, "where is my father? I have no father; in me that sacred name has perished. But death is a remedy for all, and I will die." The nurse, alarmed at what she heard, soothed her into a less desperate mood, and engaged her word not to seek so fearful a relief.

In the mean time, the impious parent, assuming the specious garb of hypocrisy, exhibited to the citizens, the fair example of an honest life. In secret, he exulted at the success of his iniquity, and reflected upon the best means of freeing his unhappy daughter from the numerous suitors, who honorably