Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/247

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said: "Hail, oh king! I seek thy daughter in marriage." The king unwillingly heard him communicate his wishes, and fixing an earnest look upon the young man, said, "Dost thou know the conditions?" "I do," answered he boldly, "and find ample confirmation at your gates." (49) The king, enraged at his firmness, returned, "Hear, then, the question,—'I am transported with wickedness; I live upon my mother's flesh. I seek my brother, and find him not in the offspring of my mother.'" (50) The youth received the question, and went from the presence of the king, and after duly considering the matter, by the good providence of God, discovered a solution. He immediately returned, and addressing the incestuous wretch, said, "Thou hast proposed a question, oh king! attend my answer. Thou hast said, 'I am transported with wickedness,' and thou hast not lied: look into thy heart. 'I live upon my mother's flesh,'—look upon thy daughter." The king, hearing this explication of the riddle, and fearing the discovery of his enormities, regarded him with a wrathful eye.