Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/25

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"think not of it. The monks all love you, and I doubt not, after my decease, will promote you to the abbacy." "My good lord," answered Gregory, "I know not my parents, and I will not continue longer than I can help in this intolerable suspense." The abbot, finding solicitation useless, entered the treasury and brought to him the tablets which he had found in the cradle. "My son," he said, "read this; and what you are will be clear to you." When he had read, he fell to the earth, and exclaimed, "Alas! are such then my parents? I will hasten to the Holy Land, and do battle for the sins of the unhappy authors of my being; and there I will end my life. I entreat you, therefore, my lord, without delay to make me a knight." (1) The abbot complied, and when his departure was made known, the whole convent and neighbourhood were loud in their lamentation.

Straightway, he agreed with certain sailors for his passage to the Holy Land, and embarked. But as they sailed the wind became contrary; and they were suddenly driven upon the coast of that country in which his mother's