Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/254

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Stranguilio prostrated himself at the feet of the prince, and exclaimed, "My lord, if you will enter a starving city we will not only conceal your flight, but if necessary, unsheath our swords in your defence." Apollonius, therefore, hastened into the forum, and ascending the tribunal, spoke thus to the assembled population. "Men of Tharsus, understanding that an afflicting dearth of provisions troubles you, I, Apollonius, proffer aid. I believe that you will not forget the benefit I render you, but conceal my flight from those who unjustly pursue me. Ye know what the malice of Antiochus aims at; and by what providence I am brought hither to relieve you in this terrible emergency. I present to you a hundred thousand measures of corn at the price I gave for it in my own country—that is, at eight pieces for each measure." The citizens, delighted at what they heard, gave thanks to God, and immediately prepared the corn for use (54) .

But Apollonius, not forgetting the dignity of a king in the traffic of a merchant, returned the purchase-money to the state; and the people, struck with wonder at this unexpected