Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/27

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to remunerate me, I will fight for this year in behalf of the lady." "I doubt not, my lord." answered the citizen, "but that he will acquiesce with alacrity. To-morrow I will do as you desire." He went accordingly; and declared the occasion of his coming. The seneschal, not a little exhilarated, immediately sent off a messenger for Gregory; and, on his arrival, presented him to the queen, who expressed herself well satisfied with her champion. But she had not the remotest suspicion that it was her son, for she thought him long since overwhelmed in the waves. The seneschal, therefore, in the presence of his mistress, covenanted that he should serve a full year. On the morrow, he prepared for war, and assembled a large host. So judicious were his movements, that Gregory triumphed in every engagement, and penetrated to the very palace of the duke, whom he finally took and beheaded.

This exploit soon enabled him to reduce the other cities that yet held out; and the fame of his great prowess retained them in obedience. Thus, before the completion of