Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/303

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tions," said Apollonius, "I will shew you much that you know not. Yet I am astonished that one so young should be endowed with wit so keen and penetrating. The tree inclosing a host, and passing through various ways without a trace, is a ship."

"A person passes through circumferences and temples, without injury. There is a great heat in the centre which no one removes. The house is not uncovered, but it suits a naked inhabitant. If you would allay pain you must enter into fire."

"I would enter then into a bath, where fire is introduced by means of round tables[1]. The covered house, suits a naked inhabitant; and he who is naked in this situation will perspire[2]."

  1. "Intrarem balneum ubi hincinde flammæ per tabulas surgunt."
  2. There is an obscurity here which I am afraid I have not removed, "Per rotas et ædes innoxius ille pertransit: Est calor in medio magnus quem nemo removit. Non est nuda domus: nudus sed convenit hospes. Si luctum poneres innocuus intraris in ignes." This mysterious affair is thus enunciated in the Latin "Narratio." &c.

    "Per totas ædes innoxius introit ignis,
    Est calor in medio magnus, quem nemo removit;