Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/336

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circumstance respecting the girl to his diocese. He warned them against rashly committing their fortunes to the power of concealed demons; and shewed, that our adversary the devil, as a raging lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour; that he will slay those who are given to him, and hold them in eternal bonds.

The man who was used by the devils as a chariot, a long time remained in this miserable situation. But his subsequent faith and discretion emancipated him. He stated that near the above-mentioned place there was an extensive subterranean palace; whose entrance was by a single gate, enveloped in the thickest darkness. Through this portal the devils, who had been on embassies to various parts of the world, returned; and communicated to their fellows what they had done. No one could tell of what the palace was constructed, save themselves, and those who passed under their yoke to eternal damnation. From all which, my beloved, we may gather the dangers we are exposed to, and how cautious we should be of invoking the devil to