Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/379

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Plebeus were instruments in the meditated treachery, he caused them to be crucified. The pilgrim was loaded with honours, and offered immense wealth, which he resolutely declined. Through him Tyrius was re-instated in his former dignity, and recompensed for his past suffering. He then bade the king farewell. "Good friend," returned the monarch, "for the love of heaven, leave me not ignorant of your name." "My lord," answered he, "I am that Guido, of whom you have often heard." Overjoyed at this happy discovery, the king fell upon his neck, and promised him a large part of his dominions if he would remain. But he could not prevail; and the warrior, after returning his friendly salutation, departed.

Guido embarked for England, and hastened to his own castle. He found a great number of paupers standing about his gate; and amongst them, habited as a pilgrim, sat the countess his wife. Every day did she thus minister to the poor, bestowing a penny upon each; with a request that he would pray for the safety of her husband Guido, that once