Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/447

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Though ye me for her sloo!
I wedded her in Godis lay,
To hold her to mine ending day,
Both for weal and wo.'

"It evidently would require no small share of casuistry to construe this declaration into an acceptance of the bargain; but the Saracens, having heard the offer of their sovereign, deliberately counted out the stipulated sum on the mantle of Sir Isumbras; took possession of the lady; carried the knight with his infant son on shore; beat him till he was scarcely able to move; and then returned for further orders."—Specimens of E. E. Rom. V. 111.

This accordance of Sir Isumbras with the tale in the Gesta has not been noticed by Mr. Ellis.

Note 20.Page 114.

Neither Trajan nor Adrian deserve this character; but the former is vilely slandered.

Note 21.Page 116.

This story is found in Caxton's Golden Legend, and in the metrical Lives of the Saints.