Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/458

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It may, at least it should, correct a zeal,
That hurts the public, or the private weal.

Two honest tradesmen meeting in the Strand,
One took the other briskly by the hand;
'Hark ye,' said he, ''tis an odd story this
About the crows!' 'I don't know what it is.'
Replied his friend. 'No! I'm surprised at that,
Where I come from it is the common chat.
But you shall hear—an odd affair, indeed!
And that it happened, they are all agreed,
Not to detain you from a thing so strange,
A gentleman that lives not far from 'Change,
This week, in short, as all the alley knows,
Taking a puke, has thrown up three black crows!'

'Impossible!' 'Nay, but indeed 'tis true;
I had it from good hands, and so may you.'
'From whose I pray?' So having named the man,
Straight to enquire, his curious comrade ran.
'Sir, did you tell'—relating the affair,——
'Yes, sir, I did; and if 'tis worth your care,
Ask Mr. Such-a-one, he told it me;
But, by the bye, 'twas Two black crows, not Three.'
Resolved to trace so wondrous an event,
Whip to the third the virtuoso went.