Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/471

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cryar wyth the trompe tofore hys brother's gate, and made to soune the trompe. And whan the kynges brother herde this, he was in despayr of sauinge hys lyfe, and colde not slepe of all the nyght, and made his testament. And on the morne erly, he cladde hym in blacke: and came with wepyng with hys wyf and chyldren to the kynges paleys. And the kynge made hym to come tofore hym, and sayd to hym, a fooll that thou art, that thou hast herde the messagere of thy brother, to whom thou knowest well thou hast not trespaced, and doubtest so mooche, howe oughte not I then ne doubte the messageres of our Lorde agaynste whom I have soo ofte synned, which signefyed unto me more clerely the deth than the trompe.'"—Warton.

Note 42.Page 219.

Albertus was an abbot of Stade, and author of a Chronicle from Adam to 1256.

Note 43.Page 222.

"St. Austin's City of God is quoted for an answer of Diomedes the pirate to king Alexander." Warton.