Page:Gesta Romanorum - Swan - Wright - 2.djvu/476

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Your lord has took himself to unknown travels,
My message must return from whence it came."Ib.

Note 54.Page 242.

"Enter Pericles, with Attendants.

"Per. Lord governor, for so we hear you are,
Let not our ships and number of our men,
Be like a beacon fir'd, to amaze your eyes.
We have heard your miseries as far as Tyre,
And seen the desolation of your streets;
Nor come we to add sorrow to your tears,
But to relieve them of their heavy load;
And these our ships you happily may think[1]
Are like the Trojan horse, war-stuff'd within,
With bloody views, expecting overthrow,
Are stor'd with corn, to make your needy bread,
And give them life, who are hunger-starv'd, half dead.

  1. This is the text of all the modern editions: it is, however, inaccurate. There are two verbs to one nominative case. I would read,

    "And these our ships which haply you may think
    Are, like the Trojan horse," &c.
    "Are stored," &c.

    The passage would then be sense.