Page:Ginzburg - The Legends of the Jews - Volume 1.djvu/58

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The Creation of the World

than.”167 The dolphins are half man and half fish; they even have sexual intercourse with human beings; therefore they are called also “sons of the sea,” for in a sense they represent the human kind in the waters.168

Though every species in the animal world was created during the last two days of the six of creation,169 yet many characteristics of certain animals appeared later. Cats and mice, foes now, were friends originally. Their later enmity had a distinct cause. On one occasion the mouse appeared before God and spoke: “I and the cat are partners, but now we have nothing to eat.” The Lord answered: “Thou art intriguing against thy companion, only that thou mayest devour her. As a punishment, she shall devour thee.”

Thereupon the mouse: “O Lord of the world, wherein have I done wrong?” God replied: “O thou unclean reptile, thou shouldst have been warned by the example of the moon, who lost a part of her light, because she spake ill of the sun, and what she lost was given to her opponent.170 The evil intentions thou didst harbor against thy companion shall be punished in the same way. Instead of thy devouring her, she shall devour thee.” The mouse: “O Lord of the world! Shall my whole kind be destroyed?” God: “I will take care that a remnant of thee is spared.” In her rage the mouse bit the cat, and the cat in turn threw herself upon the mouse, and hacked into her with her teeth until she lay dead. Since that moment the mouse stands in such awe of the cat that she does not even attempt to defend herself against her enemy’s attacks, and always keeps herself in hiding.171

Similarly dogs and cats maintained a friendly relation to each other, and only later on became enemies. A dog and a