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of falſe deluding men.But, &c.
Gleed Sandy he came weſt ae night,
and ſpier’d when I ſaw Pate;
And ay ſinſyne the neighbours round,
they jeer me air and late.But, &c.
They parted blyth and weel content,
fae merry may they be;
For a conſtant ſwain hath Patie prov’d,
and a kind Laſs was ſhe.
Ye’ve waited on me, my love,
ye’ve waited on me;
Ye’ve waited lang amang the broom,
now I am bound to the:
Sae let them fay, or let them do,
’tis a’ ane to me;
For I have vow’d to love you, Lad,
until the day I die.


THINK, my faireſt, how delay,
dangers ev’ry moment bring
Time flies ſwift and will away,
time that’s ever on the wing,
Doubting and ſuſpence at beſt,
lovers fate repentance coſt;
Let us eager to be bleſt,
ſeize occaſion e’er ’tis loſt.