Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/118

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Jess as they left the gymnasium building together one afternoon. "Girls are just like cats; they all like to mope around the register or the steam radiator in cold weather. Why, Lil Pendleton wears a lace shawl over her shoulders in the house, and hangs over the gas-log like an old woman. We all ought to get back into basketball—and at the rowing machines—again. Once a week on the court isn't enough to keep us alive."

"If you knew the number of things Eve Sitz does, in and out of doors, before she comes to school in the morning, and after she gets home again, you wouldn't wonder that she keeps her color, and is so brisk and strong," laughed Laura.

"I expect she is a busy little bee," admitted Bobby.

"She helps milk the cows night and morning——"

"There!" interrupted the irrepressible Bobby. "That's what I've always intended to ask Eve; but I forget it."

"What's that?" asked Jess.

"Why, when you have finished milking a cow, how do you turn the milk off?"

"Isn't she the ridiculous girl?" chuckled Laura, as Bobby ran up the side street toward her own door. Then Mother Wit turned on her