Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/123

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But when Jess got home—and Mrs. Prentice took her there in the car, but would not come in herself—she had hard work to satisfy her mother that such a change as this opportunity suggested was a good one for them to make. In short, Mrs. Morse did not enthuse.

"Just think of the trouble of it all," she sighed. "My dear Jess, we have been here so long——"

"But Mr. Chumley doesn't want us any longer," interposed Jess.

"Tut, tut! that is only the old gentleman's way. He really will not raise our rent, do you think?"

"Why, Mother!" expostulated the girl, "he has already raised it and threatened to put us out if we don't find the increased three dollars on the first."

"I am afraid you were not politic enough," said her mother.

"One cannot be politic with Mr. Chumley.