Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/149

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"I consider it a very unfair decision—unfair in every particular," proclaimed Lily Pendleton, after school. "Why, he did not even mention 'The Duchess of Dawnleigh.' I can't believe that Mr. Monterey even saw my play. I certainly shall make inquiries."

Bobby Hargrew was caustic. "'The Duchess of Dawnleigh!'" she repeated. "Say Lil! would you really know a live duchess if you saw one coming up the street? Why didn't you write about something you knew about?"

"I guess I know as much about duchesses as you do, Bobby Hargrew!"

"I hope so," granted Bobby, cheerily. "If I had to go up against a duchess—a real, live one—I expect I'd be like the little milliner in Boston, when some great, high-and-mighty personages came there from England. One of them was a sure-enough duchess, and she sent for the little milliner to do some work for her.