Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/155

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"'Tommy, go into the front hall and see if the clock is running, that's a good boy.'

"Tommy came back after a minute, and says:

"'No, ma'am, it ain't running; it's standing still. But it's wagging it's tail!'"

"And there's Lil putting on her hat in a hurry so as to meet the man when Miss Gould is through with him, and walk down the block—— Did you ever?" exclaimed Jess.

"Poor Pretty Sweet!" groaned Bobby. "His nose is out of joint. He has been Lil's bright and shining cavalier for months. Dear, dear me! The Duchess of Dusenberry—was that the name of Lil's play?—sure does have her favorites, and like the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland," has only one command for her discarded courtiers: 'Off with their heads!'" and Bobby giggled as she peered from the window to watch the dapper Mr. Pizotti and Lily Pendleton walk down the street side by side.