Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/16

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that will hold the boys. And the parents and general public can help by paying to see the performance."

The younger members of the committee looked at one another doubtfully; but Mrs. Kerrick clapped her hands enthusiastically.

"A play! The very thing! And Mr. Sharp will approve that, no doubt. We will appoint him chief of the committee to decide upon the play. And we will offer a prize big enough to make it worth while for every girl to try her best to produce a good one."

"But that prize must be deducted from the profits of the performance," objected the practical Nellie Agnew.

"No," replied Mrs. Kerrick, promptly. "That will be my gift. I will offer the prize—two hundred dollars—for the best play submitted before New Year's. How is that? Do you think it will 'take'? Come, Laura, does your inventive genius approve of that suggestion?"

"I think it is very lovely of you, Mrs. Kerrick," cried Mother Wit. "Oh, my! Two hundred dollars! It is magnificent. Let us find Mr. Sharp at once and see if he approves. He is still in the house, I know," and at her suggestion somebody was sent to hunt for the principal of Central High, who was one of the guests of