Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/175

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it on himself. I saw him once on Market Street dressed like a dandy. But when his wife and children come in here they look pretty shabby."

It wasn't very late, and, anyway, Jess couldn't have slept that night without talking the matter over with Mother Wit. She left her basket in the kitchen, saw that her mother was busy at her desk, and ran up Whiffle Street hill to the Belding house.

"Is dat suah yo', Miss Jess?" asked Mammy Jinny, peering out of the side door when Jess rang the bell. "Come right erlong in, honey. Yo's jes' as welcome as de flowers in de May-time. B-r-r! ain't it cold?"

"It is cold, Mammy," said Jess to the Beldings' old serving woman. "Where's Laura?"

"She's done gone up to her room ter listen ter Mars' Chet an' dat Lance Darby boy orate dem pieces dey is goin' to recite in school nex' week."

"They are going to act in my play, Mammy!" cried Jess.

"Mebbe so. Mebbe so. But it's all recitationin' ter me. Dat leetle Bobby Hargrew was in here and she say it's jes' like w'en you-all useter recite at de Sunday night concerts in de Sunday school room. An' dem pieces yo' orated den was a hull lot nicer dan w'at Mars' Chet is sayin'. 'Member how you recited dat 'Leetle