Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/183

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little girl with her box until it was almost too late to pull out.

It all happened in a flash! The peril was upon the child before she or anybody else realized it; and it had passed her, only smashing her sled and spilling her goods, in another moment.

The sleigh, with the horses prancing, swept on and did not even stop for its occupants to note the damage it had done. The child was left crying in the gutter, with the groceries scattered about and the milk making a white river upon the dirty ice.

Laura sprang to aid the little one in picking up her goods; but Jess exclaimed:

"Did you see that, Laura?"

"I should think I did! And they never stopped."

"But did you see who was in the sleigh?"


"It was Lil—and that man was riding with her again."

"Pizotti?" gasped Laura.

"Yes. Here! give me that bottle. I'll run across and get another bottle of milk from Mr. Vandergriff. We'll have to help the little one carry her stuff home. The little sled is smashed to smithereens."

"All right, Jess. Now, don't cry, child!" ex-