Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/209

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Mr. Monterey and he found out that Plornish had got together no company at all. You were the only person who had learned a part in your play, I guess, Lily. Ah! Chet's got him."

Indeed, Chet had stopped the aero-iceboat and run back to the prostrate stage director. Plornish had a broken leg and had to be lifted by both boys into the Pendleton sleigh. Old Michael could manage the horses again and turned them about. Laura elected to go back to Centerport with the injured man and the very-much-disturbed Lily Pendleton.

"Now, just see the sort of a man this fellow is," said Laura, paying no attention to the groanings of Plornish. "He was intending to get the money from you at Keyport and then disappear. All he spent was merely for the bills put up advertising the show—the show which he never intended would come off, Lil! And you were going down there and leaving us all in the lurch!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" groaned Lil.

"I hope so. Sorry enough to go home and rest and prepare to play your part in 'The Spring Road' to-night," spoke Laura, tartly.

"Oh, dear me! how can I?" cried the girl.

"If you don't," said Laura, frankly, "I won't keep this affair a secret. You will be the laugh-