Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/35

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"It isn't due yet, Mr. Chumley," Jess said, undecided whether to "get mad" or to cry!

"Well—— Hello! who's these?"

There was another clatter of footsteps upon the porch as old Mr. Chumley opened the outer door. Jess looked past him and saw a female and a male figure crowding into the entry. For a moment she recognized neither.

"That's the girl!" exclaimed the woman, and her voice was sharp and excited.

"Hello!" muttered Mr. Chumley, and stood aside. "Here's young Vandergriff."

Jess looked on, speechless with amazement. She now recognized Griff, and the woman with him was the fashionably attired lady who had stood beside Jess at the counter in the butter and egg store.

"Miss Jess! Miss Jess!" exclaimed Griff, quickly. "Did you open your umbrella on the way home?"


"Stupid!" exclaimed the woman.

"Why, Griff, I didn't open it."

"And you haven't opened it yet?"

"Why—no," admitted the puzzled Jess.

"Where is it?" cried the young man. "Now, you wait, Mrs. Prentice. I know it will be all right."