Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/55

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"My goodness me! Somebody is a telltale," cried Laura, laughing. "We were not going to spread the news until Monday morning."

Jess told her how the rumor of the prize had come to her ears.

"No use—it's all out, and all over town, if Bobby Hargrew got hold of it."

"But what's Mrs. Mabel Kerrick going to give the two hundred dollars for?"

"Oh, Jess! it's a great scheme, I believe—and it's mine," said Laura, proudly.

"But you don't tell me what it is," cried her chum, impatiently.

"It's to be given for the best play written by a Central High girl, between now and the first of January. Any girl can compete—even the freshies. And then we'll produce it, and get money for the M. O. R. building fund."

"A play!" gasped Jess, her face flushing.

"That's it. And the Lockwood girls are going to try for it—and so's Nell Agnew. Will you, Jess? Just think of two hundred dollars!"

"I am thinking of it," replied her chum. "Oh, Laura! I'm thinking of it all the time."

She said it so earnestly that Laura stared at her in amazement.

"My dear child!" she cried. "Does two hundred dollars mean so much to you?"