Page:Girls of Central High on the Stage.djvu/78

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sent them anything since having my interview with Mr. Prentice. I really would have been happier to see a letter like that from one of the New York magazines; it might have contained a check in that case," and she slowly slit the envelope.

But Jess waited in the background with suppressed eagerness in her face and attitude. At once her thought had leaped to Mrs. Prentice. She had not told her mother a word about that lady's visit on Friday evening, nor her errand to the house. But if Mrs. Prentice was really "the power behind the throne" in the Courier office, she might easily put some regular work in the way of Mrs. Morse.

"Listen to this, child!" exclaimed her mother, having glanced hastily through the letter. "Perhaps I had better take this—for a time, at least. I don't like the idea of being tied down—it might interfere with my magazine work——"

"Oh, Mother!" cried Jess. "What is it?"

"Listen: Addressed to me, 'Dear Madam:—Will reconsider your suggestion of covering Hill section for society news. Can afford at least five dollars' worth of space through the week, and perhaps something extra on Sunday. Come and see me again. Respectfully, P. S. Prentice.' Well!"